One Nation One Kindi(കിണ്ടി)
Understanding the greater context; really feeling sorry for being a 1983 born person( born between 1980-1990), intensionally contributed to our nation's current economic slowdown (destroying Automobile industry) by using online taxi service instead of owning 2 or more cars as rightly mentioned by FM ( MA, MPhil Economics JNU, PhD dropped)
As she declared revival package for our economy, nobody asked why such a revival is required? That means something very bad happening which requires some revival? Why she told that GST simplification will be considered. So, that means GST implementation was in a haste ? Or something went wrong? What contributed to this problem? Demonetisation has got any impact on this? Why unemployment is going high? Why automobile industry is slowing down? Why our public companies are put with "for sale" tags? Why GDP is ever lowest? Why rupee value going down? Where is black money? Why fake notes has increased 121% as reported by RBI.
Let's not loose our focus on critical questions to be asked. Let's not deviate from the questions to be asked for our own future. What's going in this country? Say no to any other Kindi (കിണ്ടി) discussions when nation need to ask about important things.
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ